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  • Drucklufttechnik

Compressed air technology

2.139 Ausführungen
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9 Kategorien


2.139 Ausführungen

Absolutely tight: Pneumatic components from HANSA-FLEX

Using air as a medium to transmit force has a great many advantages: it is available free-of-charge, in unlimited quantities and is easy to store. However, it requires a lot of energy to put the air under pressure using compressors. The airtightness of the system is the deciding factor in how economically a compressed air system can be operated. It all comes down to the quality of the pneumatic components. HANSA-FLEX, as an expert with extensive know-how in fluid technology, offers a comprehensive, high-quality product portfolio. From air blast guns to hose collars, plug-in couplings to maintenance units, valves and cylinders – we have virtually everything. HANSA-FLEX’s range of compressed air connection technology includes over 15,000 components and tools. In addition to various hose types and pipeline systems, the range also includes couplings and connectors among the most important connection technology components. They can be supplied as thread or elastomer sealing types to suit the customer’s requirements, and in various metal and plastic versions to cover a wide range of applications.