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DBM 248 188-ISO

Piston seal set DBM 63x48x20
Grooves according to
ISO 5597 
63 mm
20 mm
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DBM 078 043-M DBM 086 051-M DBM 098 059-1 DBM 098 059-2 DBM 098 059 DBM 098 063-M DBM 098 066-SI DBM 110 074-M DBM 118 083-M DBM 125 086-ISO DBM 125 086-M DBM 125 086 DBM 125 094-ISO DBM 125 094-SI DBM 137 098-M DBM 137 098 DBM 137 106-SI DBM 157 102-M DBM 157 118-1 DBM 157 118-2 DBM 157 125-ISO DBM 157 125-SI DBM 165 110-M DBM 175 112 DBM 177 114 DBM 177 122-M DBM 177 137 DBM 196 133-M DBM 196 137-ISO DBM 196 149-SI DBM 196 157-ISO DBM 200 137 DBM 200 162 DBM 216 153 DBM 216 153-M DBM 216 177-ISO DBM 220 157-M DBM 236 173-M DBM 236 188-SI DBM 237 175 DBM 248 185-2 DBM 248 185-M DBM 248 188ISO DBM 248 188-ISO DBM 248 201-SI DBM 248 208-ISO DBM 250 187 DBM 250 212 DBM 255 192-M DBM 255 196 DBM 262 200 DBM 275 212-M DBM 275 216-ISO DBM 275 228-SI DBM 295 216 DBM 295 232-M DBM 300 225 DBM 314 236-ISO DBM 314 244-M DBM 314 255-ISO DBM 314 259-SI DBM 334 255 DBM 350 275 DBM 354 283-M DBM 354 295-ISO DBM 354 299-SI DBM 374 295 DBM 393 314-ISO DBM 393 314 DBM 393 332-M DBM 393 334-ISO DBM 393 339-SI DBM 400 325 DBM 413 314 DBM 433 334-1 DBM 433 362-M DBM 433 374-ISO DBM 433 378-SI DBM 452 354 DBM 452 381-M DBM 472 417-SI DBM 492 393-ISO DBM 492 405-M DBM 492 413-ISO DBM 492 413 DBM 492 425-SI DBM 511 413-1 DBM 531 433 DBM 531 433-1 DBM 551 452-1 DBM 551 464-M DBM 551 472-ISO DBM 551 484-SI DBM 570 472 DBM 570 472-1 DBM 590 492-1 DBM 590 503-M DBM 590 523-SI DBM 600 500 DBM 610 511 DBM 610 511-1 DBM 629 511 DBM 629 511-1 DBM 629 531-ISO DBM 629 543-M DBM 629 551-ISO DBM 629 563-SI DBM 649 551 DBM 669 570 DBM 669 582-M DBM 688 590 DBM 708 590-1 DBM 708 621-M DBM 728 629 DBM 748 649 DBM 767 669 DBM 787 669-1 DBM 787 669-ISO DBM 787 688-M DBM 787 708-SI DBM 826 728 DBM 866 748 DBM 905 807 DBM 944 846 DBM 984 866 DBM 984 886
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Product details for

DBM 248 188-ISO

Grooves according to
ISO 5597
63 mm
20 mm
48 mm
5 mm
59 mm
61.5 mm
All characteristics


Max. sliding velocity
  • 0.5 m/s
  • on one-piece pistons A 
  • on multi-part pistons B 
  • hydraulic systems 
Construction type
  • piston packing set 
  • (2) guide ring: acetal resin 
  • (1) seal: NBR 
  • (3) support ring: Polyester 
  • mineral oil 
  • water emulsions 
Temp. max.
  • 110 Â°C
Temp. min.
  • -30 Â°C
Working pressure
  • 300 bar
Customs tariff number
  • 40169300 
All characteristics

Product description

Extremely good sealing effect at low pressure.
Easy assembly.
Simple solution.
Ordering information
Alternative material possible: FPM

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